Monday, January 9, 2017

Junctional Tachycardia

Q: What is Junctional Tachycardia?
A: Its a type of SVT
Q: What is the pathology?
A: SA node automaticity decrease and AV node pacemaker exceed SA node.
Q: Can you say the causes?
A: Digoxin toxicity, coronary syndrome, beta-agonists, myocarditis, heart failure
Q: Good, do you know it types?
A: Oh no, i fotgot :(
Q: It has three types
1) Juctional Escape Rhythm - 40-60bpm
2) Juctional Accelerated Rhythm - 60-100bpm
3) Junctional Tachycardia > 100bpm
Q: How you will know Junctional Rhythm on ECG paper?
A: i dont know(

Q: Firstly we should know that whats happening if AV node exceed SA node. Read attentively. If AV node exceed SA node then, impuls will start from AV node so impuls go up to depolarisation of auricularies. In normal cases impuls start from top to down + left to right so P wave is positive in II lead. So in junctional rhythm it will be negative.
A: Let me ask a question. How can we difference Junctional Tachycardia and VT?

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